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Welcome to the BPO Elks of Princeton, West Virginia - Lodge #1459
P.O. Box 5666
Princeton, WV  24740

Green Valley at Glenwood
Chartered - August 28, 1922
Lodge Social Quarters: 304-425-2969
Golf Pro Shop: 304-425-3273
Lodge Business Office: 304-425-4220
E-Mail (click) => [email protected]

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Starting the First Wednesday of February we will be holding a Cornhole Tournament in the banquet hall. Blind Draw 2 man teams. Only $5 entry fee. Sounds like fun!


Wednesday Evening Dinner Specials
Dinner Starts at 6:00 PM

See the "Golf Course" tab for the latest tournaments


With just under 1 million members in more than 2,000 lodges across the country, the Elks are one of the largest and most active fraternal organizations in the world!    
Our mission is to inculcate the principles of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity; to recognize a belief in God; to promote the welfare and enhance the happiness of its members; to quicken the spirit of American patriotism; to cultivate good fellowship; to perpetuate itself as a fraternal organization, and to provide for its government, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America will serve the people and communities through benevolent programs, demonstrating that Elks Care and Elks Share.

Public service is an integral part of being an Elk, In keeping with this tradition, Elks create and participate in many programs to better their communities and demonstrate that Elks Care - Elks Share

The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks has partnered with Donate Life America to increase donations of organ, eyes and life-saving tissue. See the attachment from Geoff Cox, State President of the VA Elks Association in
the attached PDF file. Click on the "Elks Donate Life" logo below. Also, go to www.donatelife.net


Click the logo to go to the
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
of the United States of America web site.

Each year the Elks National Foundation provides more than $3.74 million in college scholarships to graduating seniors. 
          Click these fliers/photos to go to the Elks scholarship web pages.

The yearly Elks Hoop Shoot Free Throw Program is open to all boys and girls ages 8 through 13. The contest starts at the lodge level and advances through district, state and regional contests before the national finals in the spring.
Hoop Shoot Photos

The Elks Drug Awareness Program distributes literature and organizes events to make kids and their parents aware of the dangers posed by alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs. Click "Drug Awareness Program" or the flier on the right to go to the web site.


Other youth-oriented activities sponsored by the Elks include the Soccer Shoot, The Antlers program, the yearly Americanism essay contest and more.


Since the early days of Elkdom, the Veterans Service Commission has patriotically served those Elks who have fought for out great nation. Click on "Elks Veterans Programs" to go to the Elks Veterans Programs web site.

The Elks National Veterans Service Commission was established in 1946, immediately after World War II, with the sole mission of serving our nation’s veterans. Though much has changed since then, the Elks’ dedication to serve veterans and military members in need has never wavered. In VA clinics, veterans’ homes, USOs, homeless shelters and more, thousands of Elks volunteers give generously of their time, energy and resources to serve veterans and military members each year.

The Elks are committed to their mission, “So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them.” The Veterans Service Commission takes that pledge one step further, and promises service to our nation's veterans and military members, with a special focus on service to those in need.

As the needs of today’s veterans changed, so have the Elks’ programs. Today, the Elks National Veterans Service Commission has many exciting programs and partnerships catering to veterans and military members and their families.




Elks Veterans Memorial

                                  Click the Logo to go to the
                                         West Virginia Elks
                                                 web site.


contact us: [email protected] 

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